Golden Glitter DTF PET Sheet – 75μm Golden Glitter DTF Transfer Film 14″*16″ Sheet Cold Peel


  • Item Name: Golden Glitter DTF PET Film in Sheet
  • Item Code: GGS75GS1416
  • Peeling: Cold Peel, Warm Peel

    In the vibrant world of textile printing, Golden Glitter DTF (Direct to Film) PET Sheets have emerged as a game-changer. These sheets are ingeniously designed to bring a dazzling touch to fabric designs, incorporating the allure of golden glitter with the efficiency of DTF technology. By using Golden Glitter DTF PET Sheets, designers and printers can effortlessly transfer stunning, shimmering designs onto a wide array of textiles, revolutionizing the way we think about fashion and fabric embellishment. This innovative approach not only enhances the aesthetic appeal of garments but also opens up new avenues for creativity and customization in textile design.


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